Smart Recipes with Umami

Scrambled Eggs with Caramelised Mushrooms

  • Umami-rich Recipes of Vegetable

This quick and simple breakfast dish will satisfy vegetarians as well as meat eaters.⠀

Ingredients (for 1 person)⠀

1 tbsp of olive oil⠀
1 lb cremini mushrooms⠀
4 large eggs, beaten⠀
salt, pepper and cayenne pepper to taste ⠀
fresh coriander to taste


- Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to a medium-hot pan⠀
- Add 1 lb. sliced mushrooms⠀
- Saut until the mushrooms are brown and caramalised⠀
- Add 4 beaten eggs, turnoff the heat, and stir until the eggs are cooked through⠀
- Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of cayenne⠀
- Sprinkle lightly with fresh coriander